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In this extensively revised and expanded introduction, Christopher Shields introduces and assesses the whole of Aristotle's philosophy, showing how his powerful conception of human nature shaped much of his thinking on the nature of the soul and the mind, ethics, politics and the arts. Beginning with a brief biography, Christopher Shields carefully explains the fundamental elements of Aristotle's thought: his explanatory framework, his philosophical methodology and his four-causal explanatory scheme. Subsequently he discusses Aristotle's metaphysics and the theory of categories and logical theory and his conception of the human being and soul and body. In the last part, Shield's concentrates on Aristotle's value theory as applied to ethics and politics, and assesses his approach to happiness, virtues and the best life for human beings. He concludes with an appraisal of Aristotelianism today. This second edition is revised throughout, and includes five new sections on key issues such as Luck, Perception, and Mim�sis; as well an expanded treatment of Aristotle's historical legacy., In this extensively revised new edition of his excellent guidebook, Christopher Shields introduces the whole of Aristotle s philosophy, showing how his powerful conception of human nature shaped much of his thinking on the nature of the soul and the mind, ethics, politics and the arts. Beginning with a brief biography, Shields carefully explains the fundamental elements of Aristotle s thought: his explanatory framework, his philosophical methodology and his four-causal explanatory scheme. Subsequently he discusses Aristotle s metaphysics and the theory of categories and logical theory and his conception of the human being and soul and body. The last part concentrates on Aristotle s value theory as applied to ethics and politics, and assesses his approach to happiness, virtues and the best life for human beings. It concludes with an appraisal of Aristotelianism today. This second edition includes five new sections on key issues such as Luck, Perception, and Mimesis; as well an expanded treatment of Aristotle s historical legacy., In this extensively revised new edition of his excellent introduction, Christopher Shields introduces and assesses the whole of Aristotle s philosophy, showing how his powerful conception of human nature shaped much of his thinking on the nature of the soul and the mind, ethics, politics and the arts. Beginning with a brief biography, Christopher Shields carefully explains the fundamental elements of Aristotle s thought: his explanatory framework, his philosophical methodology and his four-causal explanatory scheme. Subsequently he discusses Aristotle s metaphysics and the theory of categories and logical theory and his conception of the human being and soul and body. In the last part, Shields s concentrates on Aristotle s value theory as applied to ethics and politics, and assesses his approach to happiness, virtues and the best life for human beings. He concludes with an appraisal of Aristotelianism today. This second edition includes an expanded treatment of Aristotle s theories of perception and thinking; a new a discussion of the highly debated topic of the active intellect; an augmented assessment of Aristotle s philosophical methods and approach to causation and explanation; a more detailed consideration of bi-valence and truth; and a fuller appraisal of Aristotle s historical legacy, closing with an overview of contemporary Neo-Aristotelian movements in virtue theory and metaphysics.

Book The Routledge Philosophers: Aristotle EPUB, FB2, MOBI

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