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Rot and Ruin by Jonathan Maberry in TXT


Brand-new adventures set in the world of Rot & Ruin ! Written by New York Times best-selling author and multiple Bram Stoker award-winner,Jonathan Maberry, this all-new storyline continues events from the award-winningseries of novels. We meet Benny, Nix, Lilah, and Chong as they travel throughthe Sierra Nevada mountains just one faltering step ahead of zombie hordes andone giant leap behind the plane flying through the sky that set them on theirjourney of discovery. "Teens & fansof The Walking Dead will love ROT & RUIN: WARRIOR SMART" --Amy Taylor,Librarian at Lee''s Summit West High School in Lee''s Summit,Missouri. "This is the seriesthat turned my reluctant readers into avid readers." - Frank Spinney, LeadTeacher for Stillwater Academy inMaine "ROT & RUIN: WARRIORSMART is a gripping read that will keep students on the edge of their seats andwanting more! I can''t wait to these into the hands of my students!" --SisterKimberly Miller, Teacher/Librarian at Little Flower Catholic High School forGirls in Philadelphia "Thestories Maberry give us in the ROT & RUIN: WARRIOR SMART are riveting, witha dark side untouched by other writers of the same ilk. How will the human racesurvive? What do they need to do? These are all questions Maberry asks ofBenny, Nix, Chong and Lilah as they make their way across the deserted landscapeof the West Coast. One of the best things about Jonathan Maberry is that hiszombie world is not predictable. Yes, we have zombies, and yes, we have humans,clinging to life ever so desperately. But we have heroes in the shape of a 15year old teenager who grew up in the shade of First Night, tested and tried onthe battlefield called the living. The illustrations by Tony Vargas are morethan just dramatic, they pull you into a world where you know you don''t want tobe but can''t help staying. Maberry manages to bring humor into a world brimmingwith wall-to-wall violence, where there is little hope and no justice.Unpredictable and humorous, Maberry manages to connect the reader with the storyin his ever-direct and creative manner." -Ann Cole, Teacher, Pennsbury SchoolDistrict, Fairless Hills, PA "I am a teacher and literacycoordinator at an Elementary School. It has long been my practice to includeprint of all types into classroom libraries: books, comics, how-to manuals,etc. You never know what will hook a student into reading more. However, I didnot encourage the inclusion of "horror" which seemed inappropriate for their agelevel. The thing about the ROT & RUIN series of novels and the ROT &RUIN: WARRIOR SMART comic is...they are not horrific. They are a great exampleof major themes of literature: man against man, man against nature. What thekids and I have found is that they turn good and evil on its head. You wouldlike to assume the zombies are evil and the humans are good, but that isn''t afair assumption. The very best and worst of humanity can be seen throughout thestories in unpredictable ways. Plus, students need good examples of youth whoare pensive, surviving, befriending, struggling, succeeding. They have thoseexamples in abundance in the Rot and Ruin books. Several students have agreedwith me that they aren''t really zombie stories...they are human stories...andthat is why we feel such an emotional attachment to the characters and theepisodes the experience. This series is transitional...and wins over more andmore people as word of mouth gets out. I have had more parents ask to borrow the4 books than have ever requested any other titles in my 23 years of teaching."--Sheila Owen, Teacher and Literacy Coordinator; Palm Elementary, Beaumont,California "Fast paced plots set in adystopian, zombie-ridden California: ROT & RUIN: WARRIOR SMART provides allthe gore and adventure any high school teenager could wish for, yet throughoutMaberry continually teases at the moral questions of life, war and survival., Brand-new adventures set in the world of Rot & Ruin Written by New York Times best-selling author and multiple Bram Stoker award-winner, Jonathan Maberry, this all-new storyline continues events from the award-winning series of novels. We meet Benny, Nix, Lilah, and Chong as they travel through the Sierra Nevada mountains just one faltering step ahead of zombie hordes and one giant leap behind the plane flying through the sky that set them on their journey of discovery. "Teens & fans of The Walking Dead will love ROT & RUIN: WARRIOR SMART" --Amy Taylor, Librarian at Lee's Summit West High School in Lee's Summit, Missouri. "This is the series that turned my reluctant readers into avid readers." - Frank Spinney, Lead Teacher for Stillwater Academy in Maine "ROT & RUIN: WARRIOR SMART is a gripping read that will keep students on the edge of their seats and wanting more I can't wait to these into the hands of my students " --Sister Kimberly Miller, Teacher/Librarian at Little Flower Catholic High School for Girls in Philadelphia "The stories Maberry give us in the ROT & RUIN: WARRIOR SMART are riveting, with a dark side untouched by other writers of the same ilk. How will the human race survive? What do they need to do? These are all questions Maberry asks of Benny, Nix, Chong and Lilah as they make their way across the deserted landscape of the West Coast. One of the best things about Jonathan Maberry is that his zombie world is not predictable. Yes, we have zombies, and yes, we have humans, clinging to life ever so desperately. But we have heroes in the shape of a 15 year old teenager who grew up in the shade of First Night, tested and tried on the battlefield called the living. The illustrations by Tony Vargas are more than just dramatic, they pull you into a world where you know you don't want to be but can't help staying. Maberry manages to bring humor into a world brimming with wall-to-wall violence, where there is little hope and no justice. Unpredictable and humorous, Maberry manages to connect the reader with the story in his ever-direct and creative manner." -Ann Cole, Teacher, Pennsbury School District, Fairless Hills, PA "I am a teacher and literacy coordinator at an Elementary School. It has long been my practice to include print of all types into classroom libraries: books, comics, how-to manuals, etc. You never know what will hook a student into reading more. However, I did not encourage the inclusion of "horror" which seemed inappropriate for their age level. The thing about the ROT & RUIN series of novels and the ROT & RUIN: WARRIOR SMART comic is...they are not horrific. They are a great example of major themes of literature: man against man, man against nature. What the kids and I have found is that they turn good and evil on its head. You would like to assume the zombies are evil and the humans are good, but that isn't a fair assumption. The very best and worst of humanity can be seen throughout the stories in unpredictable ways. Plus, students need good examples of youth who are pensive, surviving, befriending, struggling, succeeding. They have those examples in abundance in the Rot and Ruin books. Several students have agreed with me that they aren't really zombie stories...they are human stories...and that is why we feel such an emotional attachment to the characters and the episodes the experience. This series is transitional...and wins over more and more people as word of mouth gets out. I have had more parents ask to borrow the 4 books than have ever requested any other titles in my 23 years of teaching." --Sheila Owen, Teacher and Literacy Coordinator; Palm Elementary, Beaumont, California "Fast paced plots set in a dystopian, zombie-ridden California: ROT & RUIN: WARRIOR SMART provides all the gore and adventure any high school teenager could wish for, yet throughout Maberry continually teases at the moral questions of life, war and survival. A fine balancing act in graphic form, from a prolific autho

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